SPAN3002. Spanish III.2; OR
SPAN3002. Spanish III.2
Capstone Experience Course
This Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) project allows students to pursue independent research under the supervision of the course instructors within the disciplines of cultural and film studies, literature, applied linguistics, language acquisition, language and society, and Spanish as a Foreign Language. The course offers a series of seminars imparted in Spanish and designed to provide students with guidance and support in the process of applying the knowledge and skills acquired in their studies to the completion of a research project. Students will develop their research and writing skills and conduct discussion sessions related to their projects. The research proposals must be submitted to the instructors for approval during the first month of the course, and the final projects by the end of the course. These individually supervised projects must be written in Spanish and the maximum extension will be 3,500 words (excluding graphics, captions and bibliographies).
Important Note:
Students wishing to take SPAN4004 need to schedule a meeting with Dr. Mercedes Vázquez (email: mercedes@hku.hk).