GRMN2002. German II.2
GRMN3001. German III.1 or comparable level acquired elsewhere.
Elective Course
This course is designed to prepare students for working in a German-speaking company, institution, or environment. It focuses on the practical parts of working in a professional context of a German business. Students will enhance their understanding of cultural differences and hone their oral, aural, textual, and communicative competencies to successfully apply for a job/internship and to handle daily activities in a German-speaking company. Topics include business etiquettes & social skills training, analyses of company profiles, and business relations between Germany and Hong Kong. Students will also design a personal portfolio which will include a selection of their business writing. Visits to German, Austrian or Swiss companies and institutions may be organized based on availability. During reading week, students may gain insights into the day-to-day workings of a company. Occasional guest speakers provide students with a deeper understanding of different aspects in the German speaking business world. Classes will be conducted in German.