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Juaristi, Martin

Spanish Programme
MA University of Deusto, Spain
MA University of Barcelona, Spain
BA University of the Basque Country, Spain


Before joining HKU in 2013, Mr. Juaristi taught Spanish for more than 7 years in the People’s Republic of China, first as a secondary school teacher at the Shenzhen Foreign Languages School (PRC) from 2006 to 2009, and later as a Spanish Lecturer at the Tianjin Foreign Studies University (PRC) from 2009 to 2013. He is also an accredited examiner for the DELE exams (the Spanish official proficiency exams, issued by the Instituto Cervantes).

His research interests include subjects such as Spanish language teaching within the Chinese-speaking context, design and creation of Spanish teaching materials, the use of graphic resources in language teaching, literature and comics in Spanish-speaking countries, Hispanic cultural studies and popular culture studies.

He has worked on several commissions as an illustrator, and he often integrates these skills in his work as an educator through the creation of all sorts of materials and exercises.

Participation In Conferences And Publications:

  • Teacher Training Conference for Spanish Language Teachers in Hong Kong. Member of the Scientific and Organizing Committees of the annual conference organized by The University of Hong Kong and Edinumen Publishing House. (2013-2019)

  • Comics in the Spanish Language Classroom [Cómics en la clase de español como lengua extranjera]. 1 hour talk within the 54th International Conference of the European Association of Teachers of Spanish (AEPE): Languages in Contact organized by AEPE and the University of the Basque Country (Spain). (2019)

  • Words and Pictures: Comic as a Spanish Teaching Tool [Palabras y dibujos: el cómic aplicado a la enseñanza de ELE]. 1 hour Workshop given within the VII Teacher Training Conference for Spanish Language Teachers organized by The University of Hong Kong and Edinumen Publishing House. (2019)

  • Comic and Grammar: Graphic Narrative applied to Spanish the Teaching of Spanish Grammar [Cómic y gramática: La narrativa gráfica aplicada a la enseñanza de la gramática española]. Talk at the I International Congress of Spanish and Latin American Graphic Literature) organized by the University of Basel (Switzerland). (2018)

  • Card Game for Speech Recovery Therapy [Juego ¿Y ahora qué hago?]. Co-created with speech therapist Jaime Paniagua. (2018)

  • Spanish Language Textbook for Japanese Students [¡Nos gusta! 2. Gramática para hablar] Main illustrator in this Spanish language textbook developed by Dr Concha More et al. for the Asahi Publishing House in Japan. (2017)

  • Tebeos: A Short History of Comics in Spain. Talk given within the Hispanic Culture Month activity in the University of Hong Kong. (2014)

  • Not a Laughing Matter: Humor in the Spanish Language Class. [No es cosa de risa: el humor en la clase de español]. 1 hour workshop given with Dr Luis Sáenz de Viguera within the II Teacher Training Conference for Spanish Language Teachers organized by The University of Hong Kong and Edinumen Publishing House. (2014)

  • Making up Excuses! [¡Excusas a mí!]. Winner of the 1st “Tinta China” Contest of Didactic Units organized by the Embassy of Spain in Beijing and published in Tinta China Didáctica magazine #3. NIPO (Official Publication Identification Number): 030-12-240-5 (2012)

  • Spanish stuff: Getting to know a Culture through its objects. [Cosas de España: conocer una cultura a través de sus objetos]. Article and workshop given within the II Congress of Spanish as a Foreign Language in Asia-Pacific (II CE/LEAP), held in Manila, Philippines. (2011)

  • Drawing as Tool for the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language. [El dibujo como herramienta de ELE]. Article and workshop given within the III Conference of Spanish as a Foreign Language in China held in Beijing, China. (2010)

  • Complementary Materials for the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language to Adolescents. [Materiales complementarios en la enseñanza de E/LE para adolescents]. Article and workshop given within the II Congress of Spanish as a Foreign Language in Asia-Pacific (II CE/LEAP), held in Manila, Philippines (2009)

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530, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus

HKU Scholars Hub


Region and Language


Research Area

Spanish language teaching, Language teaching methodologies, Spanish language teaching within the Chinese-speaking context, Design and creation of Spanish teaching materials, Use of graphic resources in language teaching, Literature and comics in Spanish-speaking countries, Hispanic cultural studies

Key Publications



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